Nakaoki Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
「自戒一、清慎勤は銘醸の基一、山高く路窮りなし一、醸神は浄心に宿る」 初代社長の髙橋義四郎が、大阪工業学校(現大阪大学工学部)の恩師より頂いた酒造りに対する心構えです。この教えを守り、酒造りに真摯に向き合い手作りで丁寧に酒を醸しております。日本酒造りの伝統を守りながらも、時代とともに変化していくライフスタイルに合わせた新しい酒造りにも挑戦してまいります。郷土の誇りとなる酒蔵を目指し、原料となるお米はすべて山形県産米のみを使用し、特定名称酒のみを製造しております。
Motoshiro Takahashi, the first president of the company, has been brewing sake by hand with sincerity, following the three principles of sake brewing that he learned from his teacher at university. While preserving the traditions of sake brewing, we will continue to challenge ourselves to create new types of sake that meet the changing lifestyles of the times. Aiming to be a sake brewery that will make our hometown proud, we use only rice grown in Yamagata Prefecture as our raw material, and produce only sake with specific names.
一献 醸心 雪女神
Junmai Daiginjo
Joshin Yukimegami
This sake is carefully brewed at a low temperature fermentation using 100% ‘Yukimegami’, a newly developed rice by Yamagata prefecture that is ideal for sake brewing. It has a gorgeous aroma, slight sweetness and truly refreshing.
It is no exaggeration to say that this sake is exhibited at the appraisal meeting every year and is the crystallization of Nakaoki’s technology.
アルコール度数/Alcohol Content: 16%
日本酒度/Sake Meter Value: −7
精米歩合/Rice Polishing Rate: 40%
酸度/Acidity: 1.3
一献 夜游
Junmai Ginjo
Ikkon Yayuu
This sake is carefully brewed at a low temperature fermentation using 100% Dewa Sansan, a rice developed by Yamagata Prefecture that is ideal for sake brewing. It goes well with various dishes regardless of the dish. The name “Yayu” is taken from Chinese poetry and stands for “Calm and quiet drunkenness as you drift on the water with good feelings.”
アルコール度数/Alcohol Content: 15%
日本酒度/Sake Meter Value: +4
精米歩合/Rice Polishing Rate: 50%
酸度/Acidity: 1.4
一献 低アルコール
Junmai Ginjo Ikkon
Low Alcohol
While alcoholic beverages are becoming more and more diverse, this is a test brew based on the concept of lowering the alcohol content (15-16 degrees), while retaining the original flavor of sake using unpasteurized sake.
アルコール度数/Alcohol Content: 13%
日本酒度/Sake Meter Value: −5
精米歩合/Rice Polishing Rate: 60%
酸度/Acidity: 1.5